ing, Provided, however, that in the bill of sale, by which
such sale or other disposition shall be made, the said John
H Bayne shall specifically state the number of years the
said negro woman Mary has to serve and the fact of her
being entitled to her freedom at the end thereof and pro-
voded also, that at the tune such sale or other disposition
is made of said negro woman Mary, the said John H
Security required
Bayne shall take from the person or persons to whom such
sale or other disposition shall be made security that he, she,
or they, will not sell or otherwise dispose of said negro
woman for a longer time than she is bound to servitude
Passed Jan. 7, 1836
An act for the relief of William B Buchanan
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the commissioners of insolvent debtors for the city and
county of Baltimore, be and they are hereby authorised and
empowered, to grant to William B Buchanan the benefit
of the several acts of Assembly, passed for the relief of
insolvent debtors, provided, that the said William B Bu-
chanan shall, in all respects, (except that of proving rest
deuce, ) comply with the requisitions of said Acts of As
sembly, and that he satisfy the said commissioners that he
did not come into this State with the view of obtaining the
benefit of said insolvent laws, provided also that the said
William B Buchanan be compelled to file his petition for
the benefit of the said insolvent laws previous to his dis-
charge from custody
Passed Jan., 1835.
An act to exempt a part of Peace Alley, in the city of Balti-
more, from the operation of the sixteenth section of the act
of eighteen hundred and seventeen, chapter one hundred
and forty eight, entitled, an act relating to the City of
Baltimore "
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the general Assembly of
Maryland, That all that part of Peace Alley in the city of