manner as they may deem proper for the opening and ex-
tension of An alley, called Currant's alley in said city,
from High street to Front street, between Hillen and Gay
CHAP. 24.
street Provided, that all damages, if any that may be sus-
tained by any person or persons, whose ground shall be ta-
ken for the same, and all expanses incidental to the opening
of said alley, shall be paid exclusively by the persons whose
property binds on said alley, and provided further, that all
persons interested have sufficient notice of the intended ac-
tion of the Mayor and City Council, under the provisions of
this act
An act to change the name of Nathaniel Hynson, Junr, of
Kent county, to that of Nathaniel Thornton Hynson
Passed Jan, 22 1835
Section 1 Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary
land, That the name of Nathaniel Hynson, Jr, of Kent
county, be and the same is hereby changed and altered unto
that of Nathaniel Thornton Hynson, and it shall and may be
lawful for the said Nathaniel Hynson, Jr, at all times here-
after to be called and known by and hold and use the name
of Nathaniel Thornton Hynson, and by that name to sue and
be sued in any court of law or equity
Change authorised
Sec 2 And be it enacted, That all securities, promises,
contracts, assurances, deeds and lawful acts whatsoever,
heretofore made or done, or hereafter to be made by or to
the said Nathaniel Hynson Jr, by the name of Nathaniel
Thornton Hynson, shall be of full force and effect, any law
or usage to the contrary notwithstanding
An act to incorporate the Howard Beneficial Society of Ma-
WHEREAS, Martin Mettee, Joseph Frazier, David Parr,
Thomas Bond, William P. Cropper, Mark P Taylor add
others, have formed themselves into a society, for the lauda-
Passed Jan 24, 1835