CHAP. 23,
Passed Jan. 22. 1835
An act for the revaluation of the real and personal property in
Frederick county
Appointment of as-
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That the commissioners of the tax for Frederick
county, be and they are hereby authorised and empowered
to meet at Fredericktown in said county, as soon as may be
practicable after the passage of this act, and they, or a ma
jority of them, are hereby empowered and directed to select
or appoint persons of judgment and discretion to be asses-
sors to value the assessable property in said county, agreea-
bly to the provisions of an act passed at November session,
eighteen hundred and twelve, entitled, an act for the valua-
tion of real and personal property in the several counties
of this State
Commissioners au-
Sec 2 And be it enacted, That the said commissioners
be and they are hereby authorised and empowered to carry
into full effect and operation, all the provisions of this act,
as well as the aforesaid act of eighteen hundred and twelve,
entitled, an act for the valuation of real and personal pro
perty the several counties of this State and in case of the
death or resignation of one or more of said commissioners,
the vacancy shall be filled in the manner that is prescribed
in the original act, passed at November session, eighteen
hundred and twelve, chapter one hundred and ninety one,
for the valuation of all the property in the several counties
in this State.
Compensation to
the clerk
Sec 3 And be it enacted, That whatever extra duties
the execution of this law may create or impose on the clerk
to the commissioners, they may allow him an amount
which they may deem an equivalent for such extra duties
Passed Jan. 22, 1835
An act to provide for the opening and extension of Currant's
Alley, in the city of Baltimore
The corporation
authorised to open,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, are hereby autho-
rised and empowered, to provide by ordinance, in such