CHAP. 26.
ble purpose of affording relief to each other and their respec-
tive families in the event of sickness, distress and death; and
Lave prayed an act of incorporation that they may the bet-
ter execute their intentions, and the legislature of Maryland
being desirous of promoting such laudable institutions —
Persons incorpora-
ted - title
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Martin Mettee, Joseph Frazier, David
Parr, Thomas Bond, William P Cropper, Mark P. Taylor,
and others that now are, or may hereafter become members
of said Corporation herein created, or may be admitted into
the said corporation agreeably to the constitution, rules and
by-laws of the same, and their successors, are hereby declar-
ed to be one community corporate and body politic, by the
name, style and title of the Howard Beneficial Society of
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the affairs of the said so-
ciety shall be managed and conducted by a President, Vice
President, Treasurer, Secretary, five Stewards, and a Messen-
ger, to be elected annually, on, or near the fourth Thursday
in April, in each and every year, in such manner as the said
society shall think proper to appoint
Corporate powers
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the present members of
the said society, and their successors, by their corporate
name, shall, and may have perpetual succession; and shall
and may be at all times hereafter, persons able and capable
in law, to purchase, take, have, and enjoy, to them and their
successors in fee or less estate or estates, lands, tenements,
rents, annuities, chattels, United States stock, Bank stock,
registered debt, or other public securities, within the
state aforesaid; by gift, purchase or devise of, or from any
person or persons, bodies politic or corporate, capable to
make the same, at their pleasure; to alien, sell, transfer or
lease in such manner as they may judge most conducive to
the charitable uses of said society; Provided nevertheless,
that the said corporation shall not at any time hold or pos-
sess property, real, personal, or mixed, exceeding in total
value the sum of twenty thousand dollars.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the said corporation may
form such rules and regulations, and enact such by-laws as
may be necessary for assuring and carrying into effect the
benevolent purposes of this act; Provided such rules, regu-
lations and by-laws, be not repugnant to the constitution and
laws of the United States, and of the State of Maryland,
and of the corporation of the city of Baltimore.