CHAP. 21.
An act for the relief of Edward W. Belt, former Sheriff of
Prince George's county.
Passed Jan. 20, 1835
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
Edward W. Belt, former sheriff of Prince George's County,
and his deputies, or any agent by him or them appointed,
De and they are hereby authorised and empowered to col-
lect and receive all and any balance or amount of officers'
fees, chancery taxes, and fines and forfeitures which may
be due to the said Belt or his deputies, in the same manner
and with the same power and privileges, as are allowed by
law, and in the same manner and to the same effect as if the
term of office of the said Belt, as sheriff as aforesaid, had
Time for complet-
ing collections
not yet expired: Provided, that if any person against whom,
there is a claim by said Belt or either of his deputies, for of-
ficers, fees, chancery taxes, or fines and forfeitures as afore-
said, shall make affidavit before any Justice of the Peace of
said county, that he or she believes the sane to be unjust, or
that the same had been paid at any previous time, to the
person claiming the same, it shall forever bar such claim:
Provided also, that nothing in this act shall be construed to
affect the estate of any deceased person: and provided also,
that this act shall only continue in force for one year from
its passage.
An act to confirm an act, entitled, an act to amend the Con-
stitution and form of government, as it relates to the divi-
sion of Somerset county into election districts, and to estab-
lish an additional election district.
Passed Jan, 23, 1835
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
an act of Assembly passed at December session, eighteen
hundred thirty three, chapter eleven, entitled, an act to
amend the constitution and form of government, as it re-
lates to the division of Somerset county into election dis-
tricts, and to establish an additional district, be and the
same is hereby confirmed.