CHAP. 19.
been a naturalized citizen of the state of Maryland, at the
time the deed aforesaid was executed, Provided, the said
Evan Morris, shall, within one year from the passage of
this act, fully and bona fide, comply with the provisions and
requirements of an act of Assembly, passed as December
session, eighteen hundred and twenty five, chapter sixty six,
entitled, "an act to authorise aliens to purchase and hold
real property within this State, " otherwise this act to be null
and void, and of no force or effect
Passed Jan 21 1835
An act to authorise the Clerk of Prince George's County
Court, to record a deed therein mentioned.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Clerk of Prince George's Com ty Court, be and he is
hereby authorised to record a deed of manumission from
Samuel Peach to George Washington, and that the said
deed when recorded shall be good and valid, any law of the
Slate to the contrary notwithstanding
Passed Jan. 20, 1835
An act supplementary to an act, passed at December session
eighteen hundred and thirty two, to incorporate the Fell's
Point Savings Institution
To directors to be
elected &c
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland That
at the next election for directors of the corporation created
by the act to which this is a supplement, and annually there
alter, the members shall elect ten directors instead of five
only, as provided by said act, to manage the affairs of said
corporation, and that all the provisions of said act respect
nig said five directors, and the election thereof be and the
same are hereby declared to apply to said ten directors and
their electron Provided, that this act shall have no force nor
effect unless it shall be accented by a majority of the mem
bers of said corporation authorised to vote for directors at a
general meeting called for that purpose