which may be made by the consent of a majority of each of
the two vestries of the said congregations.
CHAP. 17.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That each congregation shall
hereafter, in the month of October of each and every year,
elect from their respective bodies, three elders and three dea-
cons; that the said election shall beheld for each congregation
separately, under such regulations as each congregation may
respectively adopt.
Elect officer.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That each congregation shall
keep a separate Treasury, and each vestry elect its own
Treasurer and other officers; and that the said congrega-
tions may adopt such by-laws, for each respectively, as to
them may seem necessary, provided they are not inconsis-
tent with the provisions of this act, any rules or regulations,
by the said congregations heretofore adopted, to the contra-
ry notwithstanding; and provided also, that said by-laws be
not inconsistent with the laws of the United States, or of
this State.
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That this act may be repealed
by the legislature of this State, at any session thereof.
Right to repeal
An act for the relief of Evan Morris, an alien, residing in
Washington county, in this State.
Passed Jan. 20, 1836
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
a certain deed from Daniel Bovey, of Washington county,
to Evan Morris, an alien, residing in said county, bearing
date the twentieth day of June, in the year of our Lord, one
thousand eight hundred and thirty three, and recorded
among the records of Washington county, be, and the same
is hereby declared to be valid and effectual, to convey to,
and vest in the said Evan Morris, all the right, title and es-
tate of the said Daniel Bovey, in and to the lot of ground
and premises in said deed mentioned and described, and all
the interest intended by the said deed to be conveyed and
transferred to the said Evan Morris, and the said Evan Mor-
ris is hereby declared to be competent to hold and enjoy the
lot of ground and premises aforesaid, and the same to alien
by gift, grant or devise or otherwise to dispose of the pre-
mises aforesaid, in as full and free a manner, as if he had