Sec 19. And be it enacted, That if either or any of the
commissioners appointed or elected as directed in the first
section in this act, to value and appraise the marshes and
low grounds aforesaid, shall die, resign, remove from the
county, or refuse or neglect to act before all the duties re-
quired of said commissioners, shall have been performed
and completed, then and in such case the said Company
may, at any annual, adjourned, or occasional meeting, choose
cancies as shall be occassioned thereby, and so from time to
time, until the valuation and appraisement of the said
mashes and low grounds shall have been completed and
delivered into the recorder's office as aforesaid
CHAP. 11.
Vacancy of com-
Sec 20 And be it enacted, That, in all cases, each and
every commissioner elected or appointed to lay out any such
ditch or ditches as aforesaid, or to value and appraise the
said marshes and low grounds, and each and every secre-
tary elected or appointed as aforesaid, shall, before he enters
upon the duty of duties required of him by this act, be
sworn or affirmed, the said commissioners faithfully and im-
partially, to the best of then skill and judgment, to perform
the several duties required of them under this act, and the
said secretary faithfully and with fidelity to make such en
tries, and perform such duties, as is or are required of such
secretary by this act.
Oath required
Sec 21. And be it enacted, That in all cases the act of a
majority of the commissioners appointed or elected in pur-
suance of this act, to lay out such ditch or ditches as afore-
said, and to value and applause the marshes and low grounds
and the act of a majority of the managers aforesaid, shall
be as valid as it concurred in by all
Majority competent
Sec 22 And be it enacted, That every commissioner and
manager shall, for every day's service in and about the bu-
siness of the said Company under this act, be entitled to
receive of and from the said Company, the sum of one
dollar, and every treasure, shall be allowed a commission
of five pel centum on all moneys by him collected, but the
Company may, in their discretion, under circumstances, al-
low him more, the secretary shall receive such compensa-
tion as the Company may determine by by laws or other-