CHAP. 12.
Passed Jan. 21. 1835
An act to condemn a lot of land in the vicinity of the Town
of Vienna, in Dorchester county, for the repairs of its
streets &c. &c.
WHEREAS, it is represented to this General Assembly by
the petition of sundry citizens of the town of Vienna,
Dorchester county, that they have commenced the improve-
ment of the side walks and streets in said Town, but find
their progress arrested for want of earth, and the town being
so situated as to preclude the possibility of obtaining earth
within the limits of said town, without endangering the
health of its inhabitants, they pray a law may pass autho-
rising the condemnation of a lot of land in the vicinity of
said town: — Therefore,
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That John Vincent, Beacham Ackworth, James A.
Waddell, John Webster, and Joseph Stewart, or a majority
of them are hereby appointed commissioners to locate,
survey and condemn a lot of ground in the vicinity of the
Location directed
town of Vienna, in Dorchester county, and the said com-
missioners or a majority of them are hereby authorised and
required, to survey, locate, and condemn said lot of ground
in the vicinity of the town aforesaid, not to exceed one acre,
for the use and benefit of the present commissioners of
said town and their successors, to repair and keep in order
the streets, side walks, &c. in said town: Provided, that the
said lot of ground, as aforesaid surveyed, located and con-
demned, shall not interfere with or affect the yards, gardens,
orchards or buildings of any person without the consent of
the owner or owners thereof.
Sec. 2. And be if enacted, That the said commissioners
shaft cause to be made out, a plot and certificate of the lot
of ground, as aforesaid surveyed, located and condemned,
to be lodged in the clerks office of Dorchester county, there
to remain in perpetual testimony of the aforesaid survey,
location and condemnation.
Valuation and pay-
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners
or a majority of them shall value and assess the damages
sustained by any person or persons, whose land may be af-
fected by the aforesaid survey, location, and condemnation,
and the damages so an aforesaid assessed, together with all
other expenses, shall be forthwith paid by the present com-