CHAP. 11.
Sec. 16. And be it enacted, That all resolutions, questions
and matters, shall be determined by a majority of votes; and
that at all meetings, every owner of any of said marshes or
low grounds, and guardians of an infant owner may vote if
present, or if absent may vote by proxy, regularly constitu-
ted by a note in writing, signed by such absent owner or
Sec. 17. And be it enacted, That the said company shall
have power at any annual or adjourned meeting thereof, but
not an occasional meeting, to make and adopt, ordain and
establish all such by-laws, not repugnant to the Constitution
and laws of this State and the State of Delaware, or to this
act, as shall be deemed expedient and necessary for effectu-
ally carrying into operation the provisions of this act.
Secretary-his du-
Sec. 18. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of
the Secretary, for the time being, to enter in a book to be
provided by the Company for that purpose, a correct copy
of this act, and every certificate of valuation and appraise-
ment of said marshes and low grounds which shall be made
out by any commissioners, and record as directed in the
third section of this act, the name of each and every ma-
nager, treasurer, and secretary who shall be chosen, and the
time when chosen, and if to fill a vacancy, what vacancy,
the sum or sums of money ascertained or determined at any
meeting to be raised, the apportionment and assessment
thereof by the managers among the several owners of the
said marshes and low grounds, and the time appointed for
the payment of the same, and shall also make an entry of
each and every assignment of ditches or parts of ditches by
the said Company to any particular manager or managers,
and every by-law which shall be made and adopted, or-
dained or established, and of all allowances of pay made
by the said Company to any officer or officers thereof or
other persons whoever the same shall be, other than or dif-
ferent from those specified in this act, and of all such di-
rections as shall be given by said Company to the managers
aforesaid, or any of them, and generally to enter in said
book all such proceedings of the said company and its offi-
cers, and all such matters as shall be necessary for ascer-
taining the state and circumstances of the affairs of said
Records made evi-
Company, which said book and the entries so made or
caused to be made therein by the said secretary as afore,
said, shall be good and sufficient evidence in courts of jus-
tice and before all justices of the pence in this State.