he final and conclusive upon all parties; and furthermore, it
shall be the duties of said managers, and they are hereby
empowered and required to carry into full effect all direc-
tions of the said Company, which may or shall be given as
CHAP. 11.
aforesaid, for which purpose the said managers shall have
power to employ workmen, and to contract for Such mate-
rials as may be necessary for completing the work assigned
to them, at the common expense of the Company, and each
manager shall have power to employ workmen at the common
expense of the Company, for the purpose of accomplishing
the directions of said company in relation to any such ditch
or ditches as aforesaid, as may or shall have been assigned
to him in particular, and for all hire, wages, and expenses in
and about said work, the said managers shall draw orders
on the treasurer for tire time being; Provided, however, that
orders for the payment of hire, wages, and expenses in and
about any work or matter, the superintendence of which
shall have been assigned to any one or more of the said
managers by the company as aforesaid, shall be drawn by
such manager or managers alone; every order shall specify
the service, wages, or expense for which it shall be drawn,
and an exact account shall be kept by the managers of all
orders drawn by them, and by each manager of all orders
drawn by him, and such accounts shall also specify the ser-
vice, wages, and expense, for which each order shall have
been drawn, and said accounts shall be laid before the an-
nual or other meetings of said company as said company
may direct.
Their power and
Sec. 9. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of
each manager to superintend and have care cf such ditch
or ditches, or parts of ditches, as shall be by the said com-
pany assigned to him, and to keep the same well scoured
and cleared from obstructions.
Sec. 10. And be it enacted, That if any person or per-
sons shall wilfully fill up, or in any manner obstruct the
ditch or ditches aforesaid, or any of them, or any part of
them within this State, every such person shall pay to the
said company threefold the amount of said damages occa-
sioned thereby, to be recovered before any justice of the
peace of Caroline and Queen Ann's counties aforesaid, if
not exceeding in the whole fifty dollars, as debts of like
amount are recoverable in this State.
Sec 11. And be if enacted, That occasional meetings of
the said Company may be called by the managers for the
time being, or by the survivors or survivor of them, if any
Extra general