CHAP. 11
of them be dead, at such times and places as the said ma-
nagers or the survivors or survivor of them may appoint by
giving ten days public notice thereof, by advertisements put
up in at least three of the most public places in the neigh-
borhood of the said ditch or ditches in the State of Dela-
ware, and in at least three of the most public places in the
neighborhood of said ditch or ditches in this Stale.
Sec. 12. And be it enacted, That if the managers, trea-
surer and secretary aforesaid, shall not all or any of them
be chosen at any annual meeting; and if any manager, trea-
surer, or secretary aforesaid, shall die, resign, refuse to serve,
or neglect to act, such vacancy may be filled at any ad-
journed or occasional meeting, in the same manner in which
the officers of the said Company are elected at the regular
annual meetings thereof; and if any manager, treasurer, or
secretary as aforesaid, shall remove from the neighborhood
of said said marshes or low grounds, the said company, at
Occasional meet-
any adjourned or occasional meeting thereof, may declare
the place of such manager, treasurer, or secretary vacant,
and elect another to supply his place; and further, the said
Company shall have power to do all such acts at any ad-
journed or occasional meeting as may or might be done at
an annual meeting, but no sum of money shall be ascer-
tained or determined (o be raised at any occasional meet-
Treasurer - bond,
accounts, &c.
Sec. 13. And be it enacted, That the treasurer, and every
treasurer shall, before he enters upon the duties of his of-
fice, give bond, with surety or sureties, to be approved by
the managers at the lime being, to and in the name of the
said Company, in the penalty of two thousand dollars, upon
condition to be void if he should pay all orders drawn upon
him by the managers for the time being, or by one or more
manager or managers in those cases in which one or more
manager or managers is or are by this act authorised to
draw orders upon the treasurer, as far as he the said trea-
surer shall have funds for that purpose, and shall well and
truly account for all moneys that may come to his hands as
such treasurer, at every annual meeting of the Company, or
otherwise, as the Company may direct, and shall pay any
balance or sum which shall be due from him on such ac-
count, to his successor in office, or otherwise, as the Com.
pany may-direct, and shall perform all the duties of his of-
fice with fidelity.
Authority and duty
to collect
Sec. 14. And be it enacted, That the treasurer, and every
treasurer to be chosen as aforesaid, shall have full power