marshes and low grounds, from where the divisional line
between the State of Delaware and this State crosses the
same, down to the footway or crossing at the Beaver Pond,
mentioned in the first section of this act, be and the same is
hereby relinquished, and vested in the several proprietors
of the uplands adjoining thereto, as provided in the second
section of this act; and the aforesaid commissioners are
hereby required to file, with the clerk of Caroline county
CHAP. 11.
court, all the deeds of relinquishment and [requisitions] of
title to any part of said marshes or low grounds which may
be filed with them in virtue of this act, and it shall be the
duty of the said clerk to record amongst the land records
of said county, all such deeds and other instruments of
writing; which are hereby declared, when so recorded, to
be proper and legal evidence of the relinquishment and
acquisition of title, which they may severally express, and
be intended to effectuate.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted. That the said Company shall
hold a meeting on the second Saturday in April, in the pre-
sent year, and every year hereafter, at the house now occu-
pied as justice's office by William Tempel, in Bullock town,
in the State of Maryland, or at such other place as may be
determined upon by a resolution of the Company, adopted
at a previous meeting, and such annual meeting may be
adjourned from time to time as occasion may require.
Annual meetings
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That the said company shall
at the first meeting thereof, or at some other meeting to be
holden on some day prior to the last day of June, choose,
by ballot, three substantial freeholders, as commissioners,
to lay out such ditch or ditches, of such breadth, depth
length, course or courses, distance or distances, as will be
sufficient to clear such marshes and low grounds of water,
and to make a valuation and appraisement of said marshes
and low grounds, and the said commissioners are hereby
authorised and empowered to go upon and view the said
marshes and low grounds, and to ascertain all the owners,
and determine who will be benefited by ditching and dial-
ing the said marshes and low ground, or by any ditches
which, for the draining and improving of any marsh or low
ground, ought to be cut and opened into the same, and the
quantity of such marsh or low ground owned or held by
each owner, and by joint owners, if any be held undivided,
and the said commissioner shall value and appraise all the
marshes and low ground which, in their opinions, will or
may be benefitted or improved by the cutting and opening
Ascertain and Ap-