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Session Laws, 1834
Volume 541, Page 15   View pdf image (33K)
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CHAP. 11.

Company title

ryland, shall compose a company, to be called "The Tidy's
Island Company, " and by that name may sue and be sued,
plead and be impleaded.

Property in the va-

cant ground


Sec. 2. AND WHEREAS, it is probable that a part of said
marshes and law grounds are vacant, and now the property
of this State: Be it enacted, that the several and respective
owners of the uplands on each side of the said marshes and
low grounds, shall be entitled to so much of said marshes
and low grounds as may lie between their respective lands
and the line of the ditch, or drain, herein provided for being
opened, as now belongs to this State, and shall be consi-
dered and assessed as the proprietors thereof; Provided,


nevertheless, that any proprietor or proprietors of the up-
lands adjoining said marshes or low grounds, may, by re-
linquishing all right, title, and claim to any part of said
marshes and low grounds, and filing a deed of such relin-
quishment, in writing, duly executed and acknowledged,
with the board of commissioners for draining said marshes
and low grounds, at their first meeting after the line for cut-
ting the ditch or drain through the same shall have been
fixed and laid down, be exempt from any assessment or tax
for ditching or draining the same; and in case any owner
or owners of adjoining uplands, shall make such relinquish-
ment of his, her, or their right to said marshes and low
grounds, the owner or owners of the uplands next nearest,

Next right

on the same side of the line of said intended ditch or drain,
shall be entitled to the part of said marshes or low grounds
so relinquished, by filing, with said commissioners, an in-
strument of Writing, satisfactory to them, binding said owner
or owners to pay the taxes or assessments which may be le-
vied thereon by virtue of this act; and in case none of the
owners of uplands adjoining said marshes or low grounds,
On the same side of the said ditch or drain, where a relin-
quishment or relinquishments may be made, shall, within
sixty days after any such relinquishment may be filed as
aforesaid, acquire title to the part or parts of said marshes
and low grounds so relinquished, then the owner or owners
of the uplands nearest thereto, on the other side of said

Third right

intended ditch or drain, shall be entitled to the part of said
marshes and low grounds relinquished as aforesaid, by fil-
ing with said commissioners, an instrument, in writing, sa-
tisfactory to them, binding said owner or owners to pay the
taxes or assessments which may be levied thereon in virtue
of this act.

State right relin-


Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That all right and title of the
State of Maryland, to all and every part of the aforesaid

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Session Laws, 1834
Volume 541, Page 15   View pdf image (33K)
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