CHAP 149
Passed Mar 5, 1835
An act supplementary to an act, entitled An act to Incorpo-
rate the Savings Institution of Emmettsburg
Five directors
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
in all future elections under the act to which this is a sup-
plement five Directors shall be elected to manage the con-
cerns of the corporation and that so much of the said act
as requires the election of nine Directors, be and the same
is hereby repealed
Passed Mar. 4, 1835
An act to alter and change the name of John Kemp, of Talbot
County, to that of Jonn Washington Kemp
Name changed
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Genet of Assembly of Ma
ryland, That the name of John Kemp of Talbot county, be
and is hereby altered and changed unto the name of John
Washington Kemp and it shall and may be lawful for the
said John Kemp at all times hereafter to be called and
known by, and hold and use the name of John Washington
Kemp, and by that name to sue and be sued, in any court of
law or equity
Acts confirmed
Sec 2. And be it enacted, That all securities, promises,
contracts, assurances deeds and lawful acts whatsoever,
hereafter to be made and done by the name of John Wash
ington Kemp, shall be of the same force and effect, and
equally avail to all intents and purposes as if the name of
John Washington Kemp had been the original and proper
name of the said John Kemp