empowered to grant to Oramel Tower and Matthew Scott,
the benefit; of the several acts of Assembly, passed for the
relief of insolvent debtors, Provided, that the said Oramel
Tower and Matthew Scott shall in all respects, except that
of proving residence, comply with the requisitions of said
acts of Assembly, and that they satisfy the said commission
ers that they did not come into this state, with the view of
obtaining the benefit of said insolvent laws, Provided also
that the said Oramel Tower and Matthew Scott, be com-
pelled to file their petitions for the benefit of the said in-
solvent laws previous to their discharge from custody.
CHAP. 11.
Art act to Incorporate the Tidy's Island Company,
Passed Jan. 10, 1835
WHEREAS, it is represented to this General Assembly,
that the marsh and low grounds on the head waters of
Choptank river, above the mill called and known by the
name of Smith's mill, and situate partly in Caroline county,
in the State of Maryland, and partly in Kent county and
State of Delaware, would be materially benefitted, were
the same ditched and drained; AND WHEREAS, the owners
and possessors of the said marshes and low grounds in
consequence of such their location, are unable advanta-
geously to ditch and drain the same, unless through the aid
of this State and the State of Delaware.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the owners of all the marshes and low
grounds, situate on the head waters of the Choptank river,
above the footway or crossing over said Branch from the
farm of Thomas Culbreth, at a place called the Beaver
Pond, to the farm of Asa Burtt, and the prongs thereof
making into the same, above the said footway or crossing
over said branch or head of Choptank river, and the owners
of all the marshes and low grounds which will be benefited
or improved by ditching and draining the same, and the
several prongs making into the same above the said foot-
way or crossing over said branch or head waters of Chop-
tank river, from the farm of Thomas Culbreth to the farm
of Asa Burtt, including the marshes and low grounds within
the State of Delaware, as well as those in the State of Ma-
Persons included