CHAP. 144.
Arundel Counties, be, and they are hereby authorised and
required to levy upon the assessable property of said coun-
ties, seven hundred dollars, exclusive oi commissions al-
lowed for collection, to be applied to the repair of the
Bridge over the Patapsco Falls, at Ellicott's Old Upper
Mills, one moiety of which sura of money shall be levied
on the assessable property of Baltimore county, and the
other on that of Anne Arundel county, which said assess-
ment shall be made, levied, and collected, in the same man-
ner that other county levies are now made in said counties,
and, when collected, shall be paid over by the commission-
ers of said counties, respectively, to the commissioners ap-
pointed by the act to which this is a supplement, or to their
order, to be applied by the said commissioners to the repair
of the Bridge therein mentioned, according to the provi-
sions of the act to which this is a supplement.
Previous authority
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That if the commissioners
of Baltimore or Anne Arundel counties, have failed or ne-
glected to levy any sum or sums of money heretofore au-
thorised and required to be levied on the assessable pro-
perty of said counties, by the act to which this is a supple-
ment, or by any other act of assembly which has been
passed for the purpose of repairing the Bridge aforesaid,
they are hereby authorised and required to levy, collect,
and pay the same to the commissioners appointed by the
act to which this is a supplement, to contract for and su-
perintend the repair of the Bridge therein mentioned, and
the same shall be applied to the same according to the pro-
visions thereof.
Passed Feb.. 24, 1835
An act to Incorporate the Weverton Manufacturing Company,
WHEREAS, it is represented to the General Assembly,
that Casper W. Wever, being proprietor of certain land in
the counties of Frederick and Washington, at which there
is valuable water power, sufficient for the operation of all
kinds of manufacturing machinery, is desirous of engaging
in such manufacturing operations at the said place, and for
the purpose of being enabled so to do on a more extensive
scale, and with a larger amount of capital, proposes to take