in other partners at such valuation of the land and water
power, as may be agreed upon between him and his associ-
ates, and that there are several individuals who have signi-
fied their desire to unite with the said Casper W. Wever,
by subscribing for stock in the proposed company, and are
willing to become partners with him, provided the incon-
veniences of an unincorporated company consisting of many
partners, can be removed by obtaining from the General
Assembly a charter of incorporation; AND WHEREAS, it is
just and expedient that such facilities should be granted, un-
der suitable restrictions, Therefore:
CHAP. 144.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of. Mary-
land, That the said Casper W. Wever, Philip E. Thomas,
Jonathan Jessop, Robert Wilson, John W. Smith, Frede-
rick A. Schley, Michael Byrne, Robert Boon, Joseph Walt-
man, Peter Miller, Christian Stonebreaker, Hezekiah Bote-
ler, (of William) Charles Wilson, George Rust, Gerard B.
Wager, Philip Coons, and Joseph L. Smith, and all others
who may hereafter subscribe for, or become owners of stock
in said company be, and they are hereby constituted a body
Corporation crea-
politic and corporate, for general purposes of manufactur-
ing, by the name and style of the Weverton Manufacturing
Company, and that by the said name they and their succes-
sors shall and may have perpetual succession, and have and
use a common seal, and alter or change the same at pleasure,
with capacity to purchase, take, and hold goods and chat-
tels, lands and tenements, and the same to giant, sell, let or
assign; and by the name and style aforesaid, they may sue
and be sued, plead and be impleaded, in all manner of ac-
tions, suits, complaints, matters and causes whatsoever, and
shall have power to enter into all manner of contracts, ne-
cessary for manufacturing operations and general business
of the company, and to make such by-laws, rules and regu-
lations, not contrary to the laws of the United States, or of
this State, as they may deem expedient and proper for the
government of said corporation: Provided, that the said
company shall not, at any one time, hold more than one
thousand acres of land, purchased for the necessary manu-
facturing operations of the said company, and not purchased
with a view of re-sale.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the capital stock of
said company shall not be less than twenty thousand dollars,
nor more than one hundred thousand dollars, and shall be
divided into shares of one hundred dollars each, to be rais-
ed by subscription, for which purpose the within named