CHAP. 10.
Passed Jan. 15, 1835
An act to extend to Joseph Stone, administrator of William
Williams, late sheriff and collector of St. Mary's county,
further time to complete his collections, and for other pur-
Time extended
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the time limited by law, in which William Williams, former
sheriff and collector of St. Mary's county, should have
completed his collections, be and the same is hereby ex-
tended to the first day of January, eighteen hundred and
thirty-six, and that Joseph Stone, his administrator, and the
several deputies of the said William Williams, shall within
said time be allowed to complete their collections as fully,
as if the same had been done in the lifetime of the said
William Williams, and within the time limited by law,
Provided, nevertheless, it shall not be lawful for said Joseph
Stone, administrator as aforesaid, and said deputies, to exe-
cute the property of any person against whom he or they
or either of them have any claim or claims for fees or taxes,
without having first left a copy of the claim at the resi-
dence of such person or persons at least sixty days before
proceeding to execute, and Provided, also, if any person or
persons against whom said Joseph Stone, administra-
tor as aforesaid, or any of said deputies have a claim shall
make an affidavit before some one justice of the peace in
and for St. Mary's county, that he, she or they or any other
person for him, her or them, has paid such claim, or secur-
ed the same, or in any manner satisfied said claim, or pro-
duce a receipt for the payment of said claim, the same shall
forever stop the said Joseph Stone, administrator as afore-
said, and said deputies, from any further proceedings by vir-
tue of this act.
Passed Jan. 16, 1835
An act for the relief of Oramel Tower and Matthew Scott.
Insolvent acts ex-
tended to
Be it enacted ly the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the commissioners of insolvent debtors for the city and
county of Baltimore, be and they are hereby authorised and