thority until the Legislature of the State of Delaware shall
have passed an act concurring and agreeing herein, and au
thorising on the part of that state, the said assignment of
dower and partition, according to the true intent and mean-
ing of this act.
An act for the relief of Margaret Dods of Frederick county
Passed Jan. 16 1835
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That James C Atlee and Jacob Landis, admin-
istrators of Robert Dods, late of Frederick county deceased,
be and they are hereby authorised to pay unto Margaret
Dods or her assigns, the whole of the principal and inter-
est of the legacy given and bequeathed by her late mother
Selkrig Dods, and yet unpaid either by the executor of the
said Selkrig Dods or his administrators aforesaid, upon the
delivery by the said Margaret Dods to the said James C.
Atlee and Jacob Landis, administrator as aforesaid, a good
and sufficient receipt for the same, signed and executed by
the said Margaret Dods
Payment over and au-
Sec 2 And be it enacted, That the Justices of the Or-
phans' court of Frederick county, be and they are hereby
authorised and directed to allow credit to the said James C
Catlee and Jacob Landis, administrators as aforesaid in their
administration accounts for whatever sums of money they
may pay to the said Margaret Dods, in payment of the le-
gacy mentioned in the first section of this act, upon the ex-
hibition of satisfactory evidence of such payment, to the
said justices of said Orphan's court by the said administra-
tors or either of them
Credit directed