CHAP. 80.
charge of expenditure in the several counties of this state
according to the form which appears in the journal of the
house of delegates of the said session, fronting page three
hundred and twenty -two: And whereas the said treasurer,
by the said resolution, was required to report to the legisla-
ture, in the second week of every session, a general view of
the said statements; therefore,
Acts repealed
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That so much of the act of November session se-
venteen hundred and ninety-four, chapter fifty-three, secti-
on two, as requires the clerk of each county to present to
the governor and council a fair and accurate account of the
assessment or rate of each county, and how the same has
been disposed of by the levy court, and so much of the act
of November session seventeen hundred and ninety-six,
chapter forty-three, section twenty-three, as requires the
said clerks to make out and transmit to the clerk of the se-
nate, and to the clerk of the house of delegates, each, a fair
copy of the levy lists allowed by the justices of their re-
spective levy courts, and of the several charges and sums
levied and assessed on their respective counties, be and the
same are hereby repealed.
Passed Feb. 24, 1829
An Act to authorise the Justices of the Levy Court of
Talbot County to protect the Roof of the Court-House
from the effects of fire.
WHEREAS many of the citizens of the state at large are
deeply interested in the security of the records of the late
general court, and of the court of appeals for the eastern
ton; and it is just and reasonable that the funds of the state
should contribute to the preservation thereof; therefore,
Roof may be ce-
verec with slate
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That it shall be lawful for the justices of the levy
court of Talbot county, and they are hereby authorised,
according to the judgment they may form of the danger
which their court-house may be exposed from the accidents
of fire, to cause the roof thereof to be well covered and se-
cured by slate, tin, or other materials not liable to be af-
fected by flakes of fire falling or driven thereon from
the burning of neighbouring buildings, and to levy and
collect the expenses for completing the same, from their
county, in like manner as other county charges are levied
and collected.
Money may be
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall be lawful for
the justices of the said levy court, and they are hereby au-
thorised, having first made an estimate of the probable costs