shall reply, take issue, or demur; and such further proceed-
ings, and in such manner, shall be had therein, for the de-
termination thereof, as might have been had if the person
or persons suing such writ, had brought, his, her or their
action on the case, for a false return, and if any issue shall
be joined on such proceedings, the person or persons suing
such writ, shall and may try the same in such place as an
issue joined in such action on the case, should or might have
been tried; and in case a verdict shall be found for the per-
son or persons suing such writ, or a judgment be given for
him, her or them, upon a demurrer, or by nil dicit, or for
want of a replication, or other pleading, he, she or they
shall recover his, her or their damages and costs, in such
manner as he, she or they, might have done in such action
on the case as aforesaid; such costs and damages to be levi-
ed by capias ad satiffaciendum, fieri facias, or attach-
ment; and a peremptory writ of mandamus shall be grant-
ed thereupon, without delay, for him, her or them, for
return had been adjudged insufficient; and in case such
judgment shall be given for the person or persons making
such return to such writ, he, she or they, shall recover
his, her or their costs of such suit, to be levied in manner
CHAP. 78.
An Act to relinquish the right of the State to the person-
al property of Elizabeth Jackson, deceased, and to
transfer the same to Mary Elizabeth Ringgold.
Passed Feb 24, 1829
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That the right of the state to the personal proper-
ty of Elizabeth Jackson, late of Queen-Anne's county, who
died intestate, and without heirs, be and the same is hereby
transferred so Mary Elizabeth Ringgold, daughter of Wil-
liam Ringgold, of said county.
Property trans-
An Act relating to County Clerks.
WHEREAS by a resolution passed at December session eigh-
teen hundred and twenty-seven, No. seventy-seven, the clerks
of the levy courts, or commissioners of counties, were requir-
ed, under the penalty of one hundred dollars, on or before
the first day of January in each and every year thereafter,
to prepare and transmit to the treasurer of the western shore,
a detailed statement of the aggregate of valuation, rate of
tax per hundred dollars, amount of levy, and each general
Passed Feb 24, 1823