of making such roof, to borrow the amount required from
such individuals or corporate bodies, who may be willing to
and to engage the payment thereof in equal and annual
instalments, with interest for the same; and thereupon only
such portion of the said expenses shall be annually levied
and collected, as shall satisfy the respective instalments of
the money so borrowed, anil the interest thereof, until the
whole shall be discharged.
CHAP. 81.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That when the justices of the ,
levy court of Talbot county shall deem it expedient, lor the
safety of the court-house in said county, to cause the said
court-house to be covered in manner aforesaid, it shall be
lawful for them, and they are hereby authorised, to draw
an order on the treasurer of the western shore, for the pay-
ment of the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars for this
purpose, and the said treasurer is hereby directed to pay
the same out of any money in the treasury not otherwise
May draw on tre»
Sec. 4. And be if enacted. That all orders and proceed-
ings of the justices of the said levy court, on the subject
aforesaid, shall be entered on their minutes, and recorded,
and certificates of the copies thereof, authenticated under
sufficient to authorise the acts required to be done, or to
prove the engagements contracted to be performed.
Proceeding to he
An Act for the relief of Charles V. Nickerson and James
D. Nicholson, of the City of Baltimore.
Passed Feb 25, 1829
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Afa-
the city and county of Baltimore, be and they are hereby
authorised and empowered, to grant to Charles V, Nicker-
son and James D. Nicholson, of the city of Baltimore, the
benefit of the several acts of assembly, passed for the relief
of insolvent debtors; provided the said Charles V. Nicker-
son and James D. Nicholson shall in all respects, (except
that of proving residence,) comply with the requisitions of
said acts of assembly, and that they satisfy the said com-
missioners that they did not come into this state with the
view of obtaining the benefit of the said insolvent laws.
Benefit of insol-
vent acts granted
An Act for the opening a Street in Boonsborough, in
Washington County, to be called Patrick-street.
Passed Feb. 27, 1829
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
Street to be opened.