CHAP. 77.
Benj. Jacobs not
liable for debts
hereafter con-
tracted by her
of a feme sole, in the same manner she would have been
if she never had been married.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the said Benjamin Ja-
cobs shall not be liable for any debt to be hereafter con-
tracted by the said Martha Jacobs.
Passed Feb. 23, 1829
An Act far accelerating and effectuating proceedings up-
on Writs of Mandamus, and for facilitating and de-
termining the rights of Offices and Franchises in Cor-
WHEREAS divers charters have been granted by the au-
thority of this legislature, and divers persons have taken
upon themselves, or may hereafter take upon themselves,
to execute offices under the same; and where such offices
are annual, it hath been, or may be, found impracticable,
by the laws now in force, to bring to trial and determine
the right of such persons to such offices, or any matter or
thing touching the conduct or agency of such persons,
hath been, or may be, difficult to try and determine the
right of such persons to such offices before they have done
divers acts injurious to the interests of individuals, and
prejudicial to the state: And whereas divers persons, who
had, or may have, a right to such offices, have been, or
may be, illegally ousted, or have been or may be refused
to be admitted thereto: And whereas the only remedy in
such cases may be by writ or writs of mandamus, the pro-
ceedings on which are dilatory and expensive; therefore,
Writ of manda-
mus issuing out of
first writ
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
where any writ of mandamus shall issue out of any of the
courts of this state, such person or persons, who by law is
or are required to make return to such writ, shall make his
usage to the contrarv notwithstanding.
Party suing out
mauy plead to or
traverse the re-
trun and the par-
ty making such
return may reply,
demur, or take is-
sue, &c
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That from and after the first day
of May next, as often as in any of the cases aforesaid, or in
any case of intrusion, or usurpation, or of any breach of
violation of any of the terms, conditions, privileges or frank
chises, or of unlawfully holding of any of the said offices, of
or in, or under, any charter, or incorporation, granted by this
state, any writ of mandamus shall issue out of any of the
said courts, and .a return shall be made thereunto, it shall
and may be lawful to and for the person or persons, suing
or prosecuting such writ of mandamus, to plead to and
traverse all or any of the material facts contained in the said
return; to which the person or persons making such return