then the purchaser alone, shall be and they are hereby au-
thorised and empowered, to erect and build the said bridges,
and demand and receive the like tolls as aforesaid, for the
passage of the said bridge, and enjoy all the privileges
were severally mentioned herein; and any person or per-
sons, bodies politic or corporate, who shall at any time be
the owners of the said bridge, when built, are hereby au-
thorised to demand and receive the like tolls for the passage
of the said bridge, in the same manner as if he or they were,
severally mentioned therein.
CHAP. 76.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the owner or owners of
the said bridges shall have authority, and they are hereby,
authorised, to prohibit, by notice affixed on some conspi-
cuous part of said bridge, all persons from discharging any
guns, muskets or fire-arms whatever, on the said bridge,
under a penalty of five dollars for every such offence, to be
recovered, by warrant, before any justice of the peace of
Anne-Arundel county, and applied to the repair of the
road leading over said bridge.
Persons prohibit-
ed from firing
guns &c
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That if the aforesaid bridge
be not commenced within two years, and completed with-
in four years from the passage of this act, then and in such
case all the privileges hereby granted shall cease.
If not completed
in four years pri-
vileges to cease
An Act for the relief of Martha Jacobs, of the City of
Passed Feb. 23, 1829
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That Martha Jacobs of the city of Baltimore,
be and she is hereby divorced from bed, board and mutual
cohabitation, with her husband, Benjamin Jacobs.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the said Benjamin Ja-
cobs shall not, by virtue of his marriage with the said Mar-
tha Jacobs, be in any manner entitled to, and that the said
Benjamin Jacobs shall not be authorised to have or claim
any right, title or interest in, the estate, real, personal or
mixed, of the said Martha Jacobs, whether acquired by the
said Martha Jacobs prior to, or to be acquired by her af-
ter the passage of this act, nor shall the said Martha Jacobs
be in any manner entitled to have or claim any right, title
or interest, in the estate, real, personal or mixed, of the
said Benjamin Jacobs, whether acquired by the said Ben-
jamin Jacobs prior to, or to be acquired by him after the
passage of this act.
Property in es-
tates, &c
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the said Martha Ja-
cobs shall have and exercise all the rights, privileges and
Immunities, and be subject to all the legal responsibilities
M. Jacobs to exer-
cise powers of a
feme sole.