CHAP. 76.
assigns, or other legal representatives, be and they are
hereby authorised and empowered, to build a bridge, at
their own proper cost, and expense, over the Severn river,
from a point on the land of Thomas R. Cross, to the oppo-
site shore, so as to enter the county road heretofore laid out
from the landing on the north side of said river, called
Jumper's Hole, to Ashpaw's Landing, on Marley creek, the
said bridge to be built on piles, of good and substantial ma-
terials, with a railing on each side thereof, and a sufficient
draw in said bridge, allowing at all times the free and un-
interrupted navigation of said river.
Property in said
bridge to be vest-
ed in Cross and
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the property in said
bridge, when built, shall be vested in the said Thomas
R. Cross, and William Krebs, their heirs and assigns, fore-
Cross, and William Krebs, their heirs, assigns, or other le-
gal representatives, shall and may demand and receive toll
for the passage of the said bridge, according to the follow-
ing rates, viz. For every coach, chariot, phaeton, wagon, or
other four wheeled carriage or team, twenty-five cents; for
every chaise, gig, cart, or other two wheeled carriage, or
team, twelve and a half cents; for every single horse, and
rider, six and a quarter cents; for every foot passenger three
cents; for every head of horned cattle, horses or mules, three
cents; for every head of sheep, swine, and so forth, two
cents; and if the said Thomas R. Cross and William Krebs,
their heirs or assigns, or whoever hereafter shall own or
possess said bridge, shall exact or receive any greater rates
of toll for passing said bridge, than is herein prescribed or
specified, he or they shall forfeit and pay, for every such of-
fence, the sum of twenty dollars, one half to the party com-
plaining, or who may sue for the same, and the other half
to the state.
May sell rights
and privileges
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That in case the said Thomas
R. Cross and William Krebs, their heirs or assigns, should
not think proper to erect the said bridge themselves, they
shall have full power and authority to sell and dispose of
all the rights and privileges granted by this law, or either
his, heirs or assigns may sell and dispose of his interest in
the same, to any person or persons, bodies politic or corpo-
rate, who are hereby authorised and empowered to purchase
and hold the same; and in such case the purchaser or pur-
chasers thereof, his or their heirs, successors or assigns, or
the purchaser or purchasers of the rights and privileges of
either, his or their heirs, successors or assigns, with the
other, his heirs or assigns, or in case that either the said
Thomas R. Cross or William Krcbs, or the heirs, assigns,
or other legal representatives of either, shall sell and dis-
pose of his or their rights and privileges under this act, to
the other, his heirs, assigns, or other legal representatives,