Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the judges of the said
levy court shall not levy the whole sum in any one year,
but may levy a certain portion of said money each and eve-
ry year, on the assessable property of said county, not ex-
ficient sum is raised, not exceeding four thousand five hun-
dred dollars.
CHAP. 67.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That whenever such levy is
made by the levy court of said county, and a sufficient sum
of money raised to justify said court, in their judgment, to
proceed "in the object contemplated by this act, it is and may
be lawful for said court to agree upon and make out a cer-
tain plan for the building of said bridge, so soon as the na-
ture of the case will admit; and when so agreed upon, it
shall be the duty of said court to give public notice, in at
least two newspapers printed in Frederick-town, for propo-
sals for building said bridge, and they are hereby authoris-
ed to enter into and make contracts with any one person or
persons competent for building said bridge: and the levy
court of said county are hereby authorised and required, to
take bond or bonds, with sufficient security, from any per
performance of the contracts entered into for building saic
May contract for
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That when said bridge is
built it shall be a free bridge to passengers to pass and re
Bridge to be free
2 Supplement to the act, entitled, An act for the widen-
ing of Orange Alley, in the City of Baltimore,
Passed Feb 20, 1829
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That the time limited in the sixth section, or any
other section, of the act to which this is a supplement, for
the execution of its provisions, be and the same is hereby
extended to the first day of February eighteen hundred and
thirty, any thing in said act to the contrary notwithstand-
Time exteded,&c
in Act to divorce Eliza Howell, and her Husband Isaac
Howell, of Washington County.
Passed Feb 20, 1829
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That the said Eliza Howell be, and she is hereby
divorced from bed, board and mutual cohabitation, with her
husband Isaac Howell.