court of equity, or orphans court, against such debtor, for any
debt or claim contracted, or liability incurred, for such mo-
ney, before the said discharge of such debtor; and it shall
be the duty of the chancellor, of the county court, or or-
phans court, out of which such process may issae, or any
CHAP. 68.
judge thereof in the recess of the said court, upon motion,
to discharge said debtor from custody as aforesaid; Pro-
vided, that before any such debtor shall be entitled to his
discharge as aforesaid, he shall produce to the chancellor,
county court, or judge thereof, or orphans court, as the
case may be, a copy of said discharge, certified by the clerk
of the court in which the said discharge may be lodged or
recorded, and under the seal thereof; And provided also,
which may issue to compel the payment of any fine, amerce-
ment or penalty, which may be imposed by said chancellor,
county court, or orphans court.
An Act to repeal an act, entitled, An act to create a Board
of Public Works, passed at December session eighteen
hundred and twenty-five, chapter one hundred and
Passed Feb. 19, 1829
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That an act passed at December session eighteen
hundred and twenty-five, chapter one hundred and sixty-
six, entitled, An act to create a Board of Public Works, be
and the same is hereby repealed.
Act repealed
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the treasurer of the wes-
tern shore shall be and he is hereby authorised and requir-
ed, on all occasions, to represent in person or by proxy,
the interest or shares belonging; to the state of Maryland,
in all joint stock companies, which have been or may here-
after be incorporated to make roads or canals, and to report
annually, and whenever thereunto required, the prospect,
progress and condition, of all works and stocks of this kind
in which the slate may now be, or shall hereafter propose
to become a proprietor.
Treasurer to
represent interestes
of state
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of
the said treasurer, as soon as may he after the passage of
this act, and before each meeting of the general assembly,
to cause an inventory or schedule to be made of the proper-
ty belonging to this state, in the respective road and canal
stocks or companies, and a copy thereof to submit during
the first week of each session for the information of the le-