sors and assigns, be and they are hereby incorporated and
created a corporation and body politic, by the name, style
and title, of The Baltimore and Pittston Coal Company, and
by that name may have perpetual succession, and shall be
capable in law to sue and be sued, to plead and be implead-
ed, to answer and be answered, in any court of law or
equity; to make and use a common seal, and the same to
alter at pleasure; to purchase, hold, improve and use, estate,
real, personal and mixed, to the extent and for the purposes
mentioned in this act; and to do and perform all such other
acts in relation to the objects and purpose of their incorpo-
ration, hereinafter declared, and necessary to the exercise
of the rights and powers granted to the said corporation by
this act, which any other corporate body may lawfully do,
provided that the same shall not be repugnant to any law of
this state or of the United States.
CHAP. 57.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the objects and purpose
of the said corporation are declared to be, the procuring of
coal from any mine or mines which the said company shall
own, at or in the neighbourhood of Pittston aforesaid, or
elsewhere, and the carrying on of all operations connected
therewith; and for those objects and purposes the said com-
pany is hereby authorised and empowered to purchase and
hold, one or more wharves or quays, and lands, in fee
simple, or for any other estate, and to erect buildings,
coal-yards, storehouses, offices, and other improvements,
to the prosecution of their business, and to procure by
purchase, or other lawful means, all kinds of necessary im-
plements, boats, wagons, vessels, goods and chattels, and
shall hold the same for the use of the company hereby in-
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the capital stock of the
said company shall be fifty thousand dollars, which may be
increased from time to time, and at such times as the w'nts
of the said company may require, by a majority of the di-
rectors for the time being, and in such manner as they shall
think fit, to any amount not exceeding five hundred thou-
sand dollars; and the said stock shall be divided into shares
of one hundred dollars each; and every person who is or
shall become a proprietor of one or more shares of the said
stock, shall in virtue thereof be a member of the said cor-
poration, and shall be entitled, at all meetings of the stock-
holders for the election of officers or other purposes, to one
vote, in person or by proxy, for every share of the said ca-
pital stock which shall be held by him; and the said capital
stock may, in whole or in part, consist of, and be vested in,
lands, buildings, boats or vessels, for the conveyance of coal,
wagons, machinery, tools or materials, necessary or useful
Capital stuck