WHEREAS William Lorman, William Gwynn, Ashton
Alexander, and others, have represented to this general as-
sembly of Maryland, that they are desirous of introducing
coal into the city of Baltimore more extensively than it has
heretofore been, for manufacturing purposes, for domestic
the neighbourhood of Pittston, in the state of Pennsylvania,
and elsewhere, and have subscribed the sum of fifty thou-
sand dollars, in shares of one hundred dollars each, for the
purpose of working the said mines, transporting the coal
therefrom, and vending the same, and carrying on all ope-
rations connected therewith, and have applied to this gene-
ral assembly for an act of incorporation to accomplish the
objects and purposes aforesaid; therefore,
Company incor-
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That William Lorman, William Gwynn, Ashton
Alexander, James Bosley, S. Honeywell, John Merryman,
John Patterson, Hovves Goldsborough, George Winches-
ter, William M'Donald, and Son. Robert Oliver, Henry
Payson, and Company, William Spear, Stockton and Stokes,
Luke Tiernan, I. S. M'Kim, L. Jarvis, William Norris,
J. T. Barr, D. Barnum, Thomas A. Norris, Alexander
Fridge, T. R. Mathcws, Justus Hoppe, F. W. Brune, H.
Rodewald, George Earnest, William Morris, L. Kimball, S.
C. Leakin, E. Carey, Andrew M'Laughlin, P. Maccau-
ley, William Jenkins, R. G. Rowland, William Owen,
Thomas Symington, P. Laurenson, H. Boggs, Samuel
Moore. James Harwood, David Ruddach, John S. Bridges,
Austin Woolfolk, John Walsh, John W. Kierle, F. Lucas,
B. Jenkins, William D. M'Kim, John Diffendaffer, James
Beacham, John Gibson and Company, M. Kelly, Samuel
Kirby, John M'Fadon, C. St. John, E. L. Finley, John
O'Donnell, and Nathaniel Pearce, their associates, succes-