session, during the first week thereof, a true and
perfect inventory
of the furniture belonging to the Government House,
in which shall be distinctly designated the articles found in said
House, at the time of the entrance into office of the Governor,
and the specific articles, with the cost of each, as purchased
under the authority of any order or resolution.
Passed Feb. 5, 1830.
No. 19.
A Resolution in favor of Priscilla White, widow of the late
James White, who was a Pensioner of the
Resolved by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the
Treasurer of the Western Shore pay Henry Harding or order,
for the use of Priscilla White, widow of the late James White,
a pensioner of the State of Maryland, the sum of twenty-two dollars
and thirty-three cents, being a balance due said White at
the time of his death.
Passed Feb. 9, 1830.
No. 20.
A Resolution authorising an appropriation for furniture and
repairs of the Government House.
Resolved by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the
Treasurer of the Western Shore be, and he is hereby authorised
and directed to pay to the order of His Excellency the
Governor of Maryland, for furniture and repairs of the
Government House, the sum of one thousand dollars.
Passed Feb. 10, 1830.
No. 21.
A Resolution in favor of Sarah Gould, of Dorchester county,
widow of the late William Gould, who was a soldier of the
Revolutionary War.
Resolved by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the
Treasurer of the Western Shore, pay to Sarah Gould, of Dorchester
county, or to her order, during life, in quarter yearly
payments, a sum of money equal to the half pay of a private, as
a further remuneration for the services rendered by her husband
William Gould, during the revolutionary war.