CHAP. 209.
Passed Feb. 26, 1830.
An act to continue an act, passed at December session, eighteen
hundred and thirteen, entitled, an act to incorporate the
Insurance Company.
WHEREAS, the stockholders of the Patapsco
Company have prayed that the act by which they were incorporated,
entitled, " an act to incorporate the Patapsco Insurance
Company," passed at December session, in the year one
thousand eight hundred and thirteen, which by its own limitation
would expire at the end of the present session of Assembly,
may be continued for a further term, to enable them to
wind up and settle the concerns of said Company; Therefore,
Charter extended.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
the act entitled, an act to incorporate the Patapsco Insurance
Company, be, and the same is hereby continued, and shall be
and remain in full force until the first day of February, in the
year eighteen hundred and thirty-six; Provided nevertheless,
That nothing herein contained, shall be construed to authorise
said company to make insurances upon vessels or merchandise
at sea, or going to sea, or upon any goods, wares, or merchandise,
freights or other property, going or gone by land or
water, or to lend money on bottomry and respondentia.
Passed Feb. 25, 1830.
An act to perfect and make valid, the title of Isaac S. Swearengen,
of Washington county, to the lands therein
WHEREAS, it hath been represented to
this General Assembly,
by the petition of Isaac S. Swearingen, of Washington
county, that a judgment was obtained in Washington county
court by John McClain and James McClain, against Robert
T. Friend, at March term, eighteen hundred and twenty,
which judgment was superseded by Daniel Malott and James
Amos; that a writ of fiari facias issued out of said court on said
judgment, directed to Thomas Post, then sheriff of said county,
who levied the same on a parcel of land of which the said
Robert T. Friend, was seized in fee, consisting of parts of two
tracts of land, to wit: part of a tract called ' Dear Bargain,' and
part of a tract called ' Sweeds Delight' adjoining each other,
and also adjoining the town of Williamsport, in said county,
on which was erected a frame house and brick shop, containing
between four and five acres, and called in the will of Jacob
Friend late of said county, deceased, ' Warleys lot,' under
which will, the said Robert T. Friend derives his title to said