in said county, and known by the name of Ridgely's
Forges and the lands attached thereto, and all such implements,
stock and other property, as may appertain to said
works, and be beneficially employed in carrying on the same.
CHAP. 207.
A supplement to the act entitled, an act relating to Insolvent
Debtors in
the city and county of Baltimore.
Passed Feb. 25, 1830.
Section 1. Be it enacted by
the General Assembly of Maryland, That
in all cases now, or which may hereafter be depending
before the Commissioners of Insolvent Debtors for
the city and county of Baltimore, in which said commissioners
shall make an unfavorable report to Baltimore county
court against any petitioner for the benefit of the insolvent
laws of this state, it shall be, and is hereby made the duty of
said court, to which said report shall be made, if thereto requested
by such petitioner, fully to examine into the case of
such petitioner, and if there be any charges of fraud within
the contemplation of said insolvent laws, against him, to cause
an issue or issues to be framed in a summary way, without the
form of an action, to determine the truth of the same, such
[issues] or issues to be tried by a jury.
Trial of charges
of fraud.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted,
That if upon such examination
by the court, they shall be of opinion that the petitioner is entitled
to the benefit of said insolvent laws, or if where an
issue or issues are framed, the finding of the jury is in favor
of the petitioner, he shall have granted to him the benefit of
said laws, notwithstanding the unfavorable report of the commissioners,
in like manner, as if such report had been in favor
of said petitioner.
Relief thereon.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted,
That the appointment of a provisional
trustee or trustees, under the act to which this is a
further additional supplement, when such trustee or trustees
shall have filed his or their bond, with security, as required
by law, shall vest in such trustee or trustees, all the estate,
property, effects, rights and claims, of the insolvent debtor,
and shall operate as an authority to such trustee or trustees, to
take possession, for the benefit of the creditors of such insolvent,
of all property, estate and effects, books, papers, accounts,
bonds, notes and evidences of debt, of such insolvent,
without the necessity of such insolvents executing a deed
thereof, and to entitle such trustee or trustees, to use all legal
means for the recovery thereof.
Trustee invested
with all right, &c.