land; that said sheriff returned on said writ of fiari
facias to
said court, that said land remained in his custody unsold for
the want of buyers; that afterwards a writ of venditioni exponas,
issued out of said court, directed to said sheriff by virtue
of which, after giving due and legal notice he sold, said land
at public sale, to said Isaac S. Swearingen, for the sum of
one hundred and ten dollars and eighty-seven cents, of which
he made return to said court, but omitted to mention and set
forth the name of the purchaser; that said petitioner paid to sheriff
the full amount of said purchase money, that said sheriff
has since departed this life, without having executed a deed
for said land to the said petitioner; that the title derived under
said sale is imperfect in consequence of the omission of the
name of the purchaser, in the return of said venditioni exponas;
that the courts of this state have no power to perfect
the title of said purchaser by the existing laws, and that letters
of administration have been granted on the personal estate
of Thomas Post, by the orphans court of said county, to
Doctor Frederick Dorsey; and whereas, the said petitioner
hath prayed a special act may be passed, authorising and empowering
the said Frederick Dorsey, to convey said land and
premises to the said petitioner and his heirs, by a deed of bargain
and sale, to be executed and recorded according to law;
Provided, the said petitioner shall satisfy the said Frederick
Dorsey, that said land and premises were sold by the sheriff
in manner aforesaid, and that said petitioner was the purchaser
thereof, and the prayer or petitioner appearing reasonable;
CHAP. 210.
Section 1. Be it enacted by
the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the said Frederick Dorsey, be, and he is hereby
authorised and empowered to convey the aforesaid lands and
premises to the said Isaac S. Swearingen, his heirs and assigns,
by a good and sufficient deed of bargain and sale, to be
acknowledged and recorded according to law; Provided, the
said Isaac S. Swearingen shall satisfy the said Frederick Dorsey,
that said lands and premises were sold in manner and form
aforesaid, and that the said Isaac S. Swearingen, was the purchaser
Authority granted.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted,
That any deed of bargain and sale
executed and recorded as aforesaid, shall be as valid and effectual,
to all intents and purposes for transferring and assuring
to the said Isaac S. Swearingen, his heirs and assigns, the
said lands and premises, as if said deed had been executed by
the said sheriff in his life time to said purchaser, or as if
the return of said sale had been in due form of law.
Deed confirmed.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted,
That nothing in this act contained,
shall be construed to invalidate the lawful claim of any
other person, or persons, in and to the said lot of ground
and improvements thereon, previous to the sale thereof by the
sheriff of Washington county as aforesaid.
Saving claim.