CHAP. 206.
Authority granted
to commissioner.
Section 1. Be it enacted by
the General Assembly of
Maryland, That George Decker, Archibald Sterling, Frederick
Schaffer, John Diffenderffer, and Joseph Cushing, the
commissioners aforesaid, or a majority of them, after giving
ten days notice of the object of their appointment, as also of
the time and place of their meeting, in one or more of the
newspapers published in the city of Baltimore, be, and they
are hereby authorised and empowered, to declare and assess
the sum or sums of money which each individual owner of the
property benefitted by the opening and extension of Eutaw-street,
conformably to the return thereof, lately made by them
to the Register of the city of Baltimore, shall respectively contribute
towards compensating the holders of property for the
several sums of money which, by the return aforesaid, they are
entitled to, as damages sustained by them by the opening and
extension of Eutaw-street, in manner aforesaid: and also, to
levy and assess the proportion of expence, already incurred,
and to be incurred, in the prosecution of this business, including
the expence of removing the obstructions out of said street
as located, to be opened as aforesaid; which each individual
proportion of property benefitted by the extension of said
street, shall respectively contribute and pay: and the said commissioners,
or a majority of them, shall make a due return of
said proceedings, under their respective hands and seals, to
the Register of the city of Baltimore, to be filed in his office
and kept by him: and the sums of money, so to be assessed as
aforesaid, shall be a lien upon the property so benefitted thereby.
Directions respecting
conveyances, &c.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted,
That the said several sums of
money, so to be assessed as aforesaid, shall be collected by the
city Collector of Baltimore, and shall be paid over by him
when collected, to the Register of the city of Baltimore; and
shall, by the said Register, be paid over to the persons so as
aforesaid entitled to receive the same: and it shall be the duty
of said city Collector, within ten days from the time when the
said commissioners shall have made their return to the Register,
or in case of an appeal, within ten days after the court
shall have decided thereon, to give notice in one or more of
the newspapers in the city of Baltimore, to the persons respectively
bound to pay the same, that the amounts assessed and
charged as aforesaid, must be paid within thirty days from the
time of giving said notice; and, should any sum or sums of
money, so assessed as aforesaid, not be paid within the time
limited as aforesaid, the said collector shall be, and is hereby
authorised, to make sale of the property, or any part thereof,
on which said assessment has been laid, giving not less than
twenty days notice of such intended sale, in one of the newspapers
aforesaid: and the said collector, upon receiving the
purchase money of any property sold as aforesaid, shall execute
a deed of conveyance thereof to the purchaser or his assigns,