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Session Laws, 1828, 1829
Volume 540, Page 517   View pdf image (33K)
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            THOMAS KING CARROLL, ESQ. GOVERNOR.                                                                                            1829.

which shall operate to convey and transfer all the right
and interest of the person or persons, so assessed and notified
to pay, in and to, such property; and after deducting the costs
of sale, advertising, and so forth, the collector shall pay over
the nett amount of said purchase money to the register aforesaid,
who shall pay over the balance, after deducting the
amount assessed on said property as aforesaid, to the person
or persons entitled thereto, on demand, without interest.
  CHAP. 206.  
    Sec. 3.  And be it enacted, That if any vacancy in said board
of commissioners should occur, by the refusal to act, resignation,
death, or other inability of any of the said commissioners,
the remainder of said commissioners, or so many of them as
may consent to act, shall apply such vacancy by a new appointment
or appointments; and a majority of said commissioners
shall be competent to perform the duties of said board.
Vacancy of commissioners.
    Sec. 4.  And be it enacted, That each of the said commissioners
shall be allowed two dollars per day for every day that
they shall be necessarily employed in carrying into effect the
provisions of this law;  and that the said city collector shall
be allowed a commission of four per cent. on all sums of money
which he shall collect in virtue of this law.
    Sec. 5.  And be it enacted, That the said commissioners before
making the return to the register as required by the first section
of this act, shall give ten day notice thereof, in one of the
newspapers of the city of Baltimore, in order that the persons
interested may avail themselves of their right to appeal, and if
no appeal be made within thirty days from the first publication
of said notice, then said return shall be final and conclusive.
Notice required.
    Sec. 6.  And be it enacted, That [if] any person or persons who
shall be dissatisfied with the assessment or levy which shall
be made by the said commissioners, may within thirty days
from the first publication of said notice as required by the fifth
section of this act, appeal therefrom by petition in writing to
the judges of Baltimore city court, praying the said judges to
review the same; and on any such appeal being made, the said
judges or a majority of them, or the chief judge, if the city
court shall not be in session, may and shall appoint a day for
hearing the said appeal, which shall not be less than five nor
more than twenty days after the expiration of the thirty days,
limited for making appeals as aforesaid; and shall direct the
clerk of the said court to issue a subpœna ducestecum to the
register of the city of Baltimore, requiring him to produce and
deliver to the said court the return made to him by the said
commissioners, and all plots, documents, books and papers
connected with the same, and the said judges of Baltimore city
court, or a majority of them, shall have full power to meet at
the time so appointed, and hear and fully examine the subject,
and decide on the said appeal or appeals, and for that purpose
they are hereby authorised and empowered to adjourn from
    Appeal provided
proceedings thereon

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Session Laws, 1828, 1829
Volume 540, Page 517   View pdf image (33K)
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