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Session Laws, 1828, 1829
Volume 540, Page 510   View pdf image (33K)
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1829.                                                                        LAWS OF MARYLAND.

  CHAP. 199.  
river, and the extension of said road as far as it is deemed necessary;
and the commissioners who received the former
subscriptions of said banks and individuals, shall receive said
additional subscriptions upon the same terms as the said original
subscriptions, except that it shall not be necessary to
give any notice of the opening of the books for that purpose,
as is required by the original act.
Vacancy of managers.
    Sec. 5.  And be it enacted, That whenever a vacancy shall
occur by the death, resignation, or refusal to act, of the said
President, or either of said four Managers, to be appointed
under said supplement, such vacancy shall be filled by such
person or persons who shall be stockholders in one of said
banks, or in said turnpike company, as may be elected by the
said President and Managers, or a majority of them, who may
be acting as such, or by said Managers or a majority of them,
if the vacancy to be supplied be that of the President.
    Banks may purchase
    Sec. 6.  And be it enacted, That the said banks or either of
them, may purchase from the said individual stockholders, the
amount of stock already subscribed by them, or which may
hereafter be subscribed, and hold the same, when so purchased,
in the same manner as they now hold the stock already
subscribed for by said banks.


Passed Feb. 25, 1830.
                                        CHAPTER 200.

An act supplementary to an act for the dispatch of business in
                                   Baltimore county court.

One judge decide
    Section 1.  Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That all demurrers filed in cases pending or hereafter to
be instituted in Baltimore county court, may be decided by
one Judge.
    Proceedings directed.

    Sec. 2.  And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of Baltimore
county court at each city term of said court, to cause the
sheriff of Baltimore county to summon from the city, a jury,
which shall during the term attend the said court, for the trial
of the cases, standing and remaining on the old trial docket of
the said court, and also of all such cases as remain undecided,
which were instituted to September term, eighteen hundred
and twenty-eight, and March term, eighteen hundred and
twenty-nine, and that it shall be the duty of one of the judges
of said court, to sit at each city term until the said causes are
finally tried and determined; Provided nevertheless, that the engagement
at the time, of counsel in a cause in any other court
shall be deemed and held to be a sufficient ground for the postponement
or continuance of any cause on said docket when
Conclude pending
    Sec. 3.  And be it enacted, That if any jury shall be sworn
in any cause which is not finally ended and determined at the

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Session Laws, 1828, 1829
Volume 540, Page 510   View pdf image (33K)
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