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Session Laws, 1828, 1829
Volume 540, Page 511   View pdf image (33K)
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            THOMAS KING, CARROLL, ESQ. GOVERNOR.                                                                                                        1829.

close of the term, the judge who tries the cause may notwithstanding
the close of the term, proceed with the trial of the
cause in the same manner as if the term had not ended, and if
the proceedings in said cause shall continue beyond the commencement
of a new term, such proceedings shall be considered
as having been had during the term to which the jury shall
be sworn.
  CHAP. 200.  
    Sec. 4.  And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of witnesses
served with a subpœna in any such cause, at any term,
to continue to attend from term to term, until the cause in
which he may be summoned shall have been tried or otherwise
disposed of, without any new subpœna being issued, unless
the court should otherwise order.
    Attendance of
    Sec. 5.  And be it enacted, That at all times when Baltimore
county court aforesaid, shall be is session, it shall be competent
to the said court, or such one of the judges thereof, to
whom that duty shall be assigned, to hear and decide on all
cases in equity, all proceedings relating to the division of the
real estate of persons who may have died intestate, and all
motions and entries in actions at law, except jury trials, as
well in cases originating in the county without the limits of the
city, as in cases originating within the city of Baltimore.
    Court may hear
and determine.
    Sec. 6.  And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
sheriff of Baltimore county, to summon all petit jurors for each
term of Baltimore county court, to attend on the second day
of the term, and also from time to time, to summon so many
jurors as the court shall direct, during any term, to serve in
lieu of any juror or jurors, which the court may, because of
sickness or for other sufficient cause in their discretion, release
from further attendance during the term.
Summons of jury.
    Sec. 7.  And be it enacted, That it shall not be lawful for
the clerk of the said county court to issue any writ of certiorari,
directed to a justice of the peace for the city of Baltimore,
for the removal of any proceedings pending before such
justice, to such county court, unless in addition to the petition
and affidavit heretofore required, the party or parties applying
for such writ shall also produce before the said clerk or his
deputy a competent person or persons as security, who will
before the said clerk or his deputy, after justifying on oath or
affirmation to be administered by said clerk or his deputy, as
to his sufficiency, acknowledge himself, herself or themselves
special bail for the person or persons so applying for the said
writ, in the action to be thereby removed; which acknowledgment
shall be entered in the same form, and shall have the
same operation and effect, and be binding in like manner, as
any acknowledgment of special bail duly entered in open
court in action there pending; and on entering such special
bail and paying to the clerk the same tax as for an original
writ, which tax shall be accounted for and paid over by the
said clerk in the manner provided for by the act to which this
    Special bail required
upon appeals
upon magistrates
proceedings directed.

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Session Laws, 1828, 1829
Volume 540, Page 511   View pdf image (33K)
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