CHAP. 167.
Principal & vice-principal.
St. Mary's College,' the said John B. Purcell to be
as Principal, and the said Francis B. Jamesson as Vice Principal
Religious toleration.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted,
That said College shall be founded
and continued forever upon a most liberal plan, for the benefit
of youth of every religious denomination, who shall be
freely admitted to equal privileges and advantages of education,
and to all the literary honors of the college, according to
their merit, without requiring or enforcing any religious or
civil test, on urging their attendance upon any particular place
of religious worship or service, other than that they have been
educated in, or have the consent of their parents or guardians
to attend, nor shall any preferrence be given in the choice of a
Professor, Mastor or Tutor, in said college, or account of his
particular religious profession, but regard shall be had solely to
his moral character, literary abilities, and other necessary
qualifications to fill the place for which he shall be chosen.
Powers granted
the principal and
vice principal.
Exempted from
taxes and military
Sec. 3. And be it enacted,
That said Principal and Vice Principal,
shall have full power and authority, to make fundamental
ordinances and by laws (not repugnant to the form of
said college and the instruction of youth as aforesaid, and
shall have power and authority to appoint, from time to time,
such Professors, Tutors, Masters and Assistants as they shall
think most proper and convenient, for instructing the students
and schollars of said college in all the liberal arts and sciences,
and in the ancient and modern tongues and languages, who
shall be severally stiled Professors of such arts, sciences, languages
or tongues, as they shall be nominated and appointed
for according to each particular nomination and appointment;
and the said Principal and Vice Principal, students, schollars,
and such necessary ministers and servants as give constant attendance
on the business of said college, shall be exempted
from all rates and taxes on their salaries and from military
duties, except in case of an actual invasion of the state and
military law is declared.
Corporate seal.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted,
That said Principal and Vice Principal,
shall have full power and authority, to have, make and
use one common and public seal, with all such devices and inscriptions
as they shall think proper, and to ascertain, fix and
regulate the uses of said seal, by their own laws, and the same
seal to change, break, alter and renew at their pleasure.
Confer degress—
Sec. 5. And be it enacted,
That the said institution by the
name and title of Mount Saint Mary's College, shall immediately
have, and is hereby invested with, full power to confer
on its deserving pupils, collegiate honors, and the degrees of
batchelor and master of arts, and of doctors, except doctors of
medicine, and it is hereby enacted, that said Principal and Vice
Principal, shall have full power and authority, to hold public
commencements, either on stated annual days, or occasionally,