hundred and twenty-five, to the completion of the
said Monument,
is hereby appropriated to the payment and extinguishment
of the principal of the said stock or of such part of it
from time to time, as the treasurer may deem proper, until the
whole amount shall be paid.
CHAP. 165.
An act to prevent unnecessary accumulations of costs on all actions
or suits at
law in the County Courts of this State.
Passed Feb. 27, 1830.
Section 1. Be it enacted by
the General Assembly of Maryland,
That all actions or suits at law instituted in the county
courts of this state, after the term next succeeding the passage
of this act, shall stand for judgment or trial at the second term
after the defendant or defendants shall have been arrested upon
the camas adrespondendum and upon judgments rendered
or obtained at such second term, the defendant or defendants
shall be entitled to a stay of execution, till the last day of the
ensuing term, with the privilege of succeeding the same for
six months, in the manner now allowed by law at any time
within two months after the exoneration of said stay, and with
the power of prosecuting an appeal or suing forth a writ of
error, as authorised by law prior to the passage of this act;
Provided nevertheless, that nothing herein contained, shall
construed to extend to cases of the city docket of Baltimore
county court.
Trial term, &c.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted,
That such second term, shall be
taken and considered s the trial term, and that the imparlance
term, usually so called, be, and the same is hereby abolished;
Provided, that nothing herein contained, shall be construed
deprive a party of a right to continuance for legal cause or to
lessen or affect the liability of special bail, or in any manner
to impair the right of the bail in relation to the defendant.
Imparlance term
Saving clause.
An act for founding a College near Emmitsburg, in Frederick
Passed Feb. 27, 1830.
Section 1. Be it enacted by
the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act, the Seminary
of learning, near Emmitsburg, in Frederick county, now
under the direction of John B. Purcell, Principal, and Francis
B. Jamesson a Vice Principal, shall be, and the same is
hereby constituted a college, by the name and title of ' Mount
College instituted.