as the future ordinances of said college shall direct,
and at such
commencements to admit any of the students of said college
or any other persons meriting the same, to any degree or
or degrees, except doctors of medicine, in any of the faculties,
arts and sciences, and liberal professions to which
persons are usually admitted in other colleges or universities
in America, and the said Principal and Vice Principal, shall
make out and sign with their names, diplomas or certificates
of the admission to such degree or degress, which shall be
sealed with the public seal of the college, and delivered to the
graduate or graduates, as honorable and perpetual testimonials
of such admission, which diplomas, if thought necessary
for doing greater honor to such graduates, shall also be signed
with the names of the different Professors, or as many of
them as can conveniently sign the same; Provided, That no
student or students, within the said college, shall ever be admitted
to any such degree or degrees, until such student or
students, shall have been first duly examined and thought worthy
of the same, at a public examination of candidates, to be
held one whole month previous to the day of commencement
in the said college, by and in the presence of the Principal,
Vice Principal and Professors of said college, and in presance
of any other persons choosing to attend the same.
CHAP. 167.
Sec. 6. And be it enacted,
That this charter and every part
thereof shall be good and available in the law, according to
the true intent and meaning thereof, and shall be construed so
as most effectually to answer the valuable end of this act, for
the general advancement of useful knowledge, science and
Sec. 7. And be it enacted,
That the General Assembly of
Maryland shall at all times have power to repeal or alter
this charter.
Power reserved.
An act to repeal all such parts of the Constitution and form of
Government, as relate to the division of Frederick County,
eleven Election Districts, and for other purposes.
Passed Feb. 28, 1830.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted [that]
by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That all such parts of the constitution and form of
government as direct that Frederick county shall be divided
into eleven election districts, be, and they are hereby repealed.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted,
That Frederick county shall be
divided into twelve separate election districts, and the additional
district shall be taken and laid off from the third election
district, as they are now numbered.
Twelve districts.