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Session Laws, 1828, 1829
Volume 540, Page 474   View pdf image (33K)
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1829.                                                                        LAWS OF MARYLAND.

  CHAP. 165.  

Compensation fixed.
and so in proportion for any greater or smaller quantity which
they shall weigh; and they shall be entitled to receive two
cents, and no more, for ever nett hundred of hay or straw thus
weighed, until the weight of the load amounts to twenty hundred:
and in no case shall they demand or receive more than
forty cents for any load of hay or straw this weighed by them:
and they shall be governed by the same rules and regulations as
are now in force, except such as are inconsistent with, or repugnant
to, the provisions of this act.


Passed Feb. 27, 1830.
                                        CHAPTER 165.

A supplement to the act entitled, an act concerning the Washington
    Monument, passed at December session eighteen hundred
    and twenty-six, chapter two hundred and forty-five.

    WHEREAS, by the act to which this is a supplement, it is
provided, that the Washington Monument shall be held and
considered as the property of the state; and the managers appointed
by law to erect the said monument, have represented
officially, that since the passage of the said act, the sum of
about ten thousand dollars has been expended for labor and
materials in the progress towards completing the said monument,
over and above the amounts; and to them in virtue of
the said act, and that the further sum of ten thousand dollars,
will be required to pay for the work and materials which will
be furnished and performed during the present year; Therefore;
Treasurer to issue
certificates of stock.
    Section 1.  Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Treasurer for the Western Shore, be, and he
is hereby authorised to issue and deliver to the said managers,
certificates of the stock of the state bearing interest at the
rate of five per centum, per annum, payable quarter yearly,
to the amount of ten thousand dollars, on the first day of April
next; the further amount of five thousand dollars on the first
day of July next; and the further amount of five thousand dollars
on the first day of December next; a sums not less than one
thousand dollars each, and all stock so issued in virtue of this
act shall be redeemable at the pleasure of the state on three
months once.
    Pledge for payment.
    Sec. 2.  And be it enacted, That so much of [ ] funds annually
derived from state lotteries, not already appropriated,
as shall be required to pay the quarter yearly interest on the
stock authorised to be issued as aforesaid, is hereby appropriated
to that purpose; and all the surplus that may be received
from the state lotteries, annually, over and above the
nett sum of twelve thousand dollars, which is applicable under
the acts of eighteen hundred and twenty-four, chapter one

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Session Laws, 1828, 1829
Volume 540, Page 474   View pdf image (33K)
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