CHAP. 149.
of the Council shall appoint and commission, on or
before the
first Monday in April next, and annually thereafter, a suitable
person to be inspector of shingles, at the village of Port Deposit,
in Cecil county, and all shingles brought into the said village
for sale, shall be inspected and marked, in conformity to
this act.
Quantity in bundles.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted,
That each and every bunch of
shingles which is three feet and four inches between the bands,
with fifty courses upon each side, and closely packed, shall
be considered to contain one thousand, in each and every
bunch whose dimensions and contents shall not be equal thereto,
shall be estimated and marked accordingly by the inspector,
that is to say one half, five eighths, three fourths or seven
eighths, as the same may contain.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted,
That there shall be three qualities
of shingles, to be dissignated by the inspector; that is to say,
first, second or third quality, as the cause may be; and
the first quality shall consist of timber similar in quality to
that of prime, or pannell stuff, boards or plank, to be not less
than eighteen inches in length nor less than three eighths of
an inch thick, free from worm holes, knots, windings and
shakes, well shaved and of uniform width at but and point, with
not more than fifty shingles to the thousand whose width is
less than three inches; the second quality shall be eighteen
inches in length, three eighths of an inch thick, and composed
of different qualities of a grade below the prime, or first,
quality; and the third quality shall be composed of sound stuff,
whose irregular thickness, width, shaving and winding shall
render them generally inferior to the second quality.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted,
That it shall be the duty of the
inspector to mark upon each bundle of shingles the quality and
quantity of the same, and for such inspection and marking, he
shall be entitled to receive ten cents for each and every full
bunch of shingles so inspected and marked by him, and in that
proportion for any greater or less quantity.
Penalty for selling
without inspection.
Sec. 5. And be it enacted,
That if any person or persons,
shall purchase or cause to be purchased, or sell or cause to be
sold, any shingles within the village of Port Deposit, or within
one half mile thereof, without having them inspected by the
inspector so appointed, he or they so offending, shall forfeit
and pay the sum of five dollars, for each and every bundle so
bought or sold, to be recovered before a justice of the peace
or court of competent jurisdiction.
How applied.
Sec. 6. And be it enacted,
That one half of the forfeitures
recovered under the provisions of this act, shall be for the use
of the informer, and the other half for the use of the state.
Oath required.
Sec. 7. And be it enacted,
That before proceeding to act,
the said inspector shall take an oath, before some justice of
the peace, for the faithful discharge of the duties enjoined by
this act.