CHAP. 144.
the amount of damages or value of said lot so as aforesaid
to be tried by a jury and to give such judgment on
said appeal, as may be consistent with justice and the law,
any act of Assembly to the contrary not
Passed Feb. 23, 1830.
An act to establish the grade of West Baltimore Street, between
Paca and Cove Street.
Grade confirmed.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
the grade of west Baltimore street, between the west side of
Paca, and Cove streets, as heretofore established on the twenty-ninth
day of July, eighteen hundred and seventeen, by
the western precincts Commissioners, by virtue of an act
of the General Assembly of Maryland, made and passed at
November session, eighteen hundred and nine, entitled, an act
to appoint Commissioners to grand and level the several streets,
squares, lanes and alleys in the city of Baltimore, be, and the
same is hereby declared to be the true and proper grand of all
that part of west Baltimore street, herein before mentioned.
Passed Feb. 23, 1830.
An act entitled, a supplement to the act to provide for the Public
Instruction of Youth in Primary Schools, in Anne-Arundel
Right to vote.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
from and after the passage of this act, it shall be lawful for
all free white citizens, of the age of twenty one years, to vote
for, or against, the establishment of Primary Schools, in any
school district, in which they may hold real property.
Passed Feb. 25, 1830.
An act for the relief of Duncan Stone, of Kent County, an
WHEREAS, Duncan Stone, emigrated from
Ireland and settled
in this State, and since his emigration and settlement as
aforesaid, hath acquired real property therein, and his title to
such property, from his not having become naturalized, agreeable