matters and things, as shall or may be ordered or
directed by
the said judge.
CHAP. 142.
An act to exempt certain property in the city of Baltimore from
Passed Feb. 23, 1830.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
the lot of ground situate on the south side of Franklin-street,
in the city of Baltimore, now owned by the Protectors of
Saint Mary's Orphaline Female School in the city of Baltimore,
with the improvements thereon erected; and the lot of
ground situate on the south side of Saratoga-street, in the same
city, now owned by the President and Directors of the Roman
Catholic Free School in the city of Baltimore, with the improvements
thereon erected, be, and each of the said lots of
ground, with the improvements thereon erected, are hereby
exempted from all taxation, so long as the said lots of ground,
with the improvements, or either of them, are held and used
as Charity Schools.
An act for the relief
of the heirs of John Stevens.
Passed Feb. 23, 1830.
WHEREAS, by the third section of this
act, passed at December
session eighteen hundred and twenty-seven, chapter fifty-six,
entitled a supplement to an act to amend and reduce into one,
the several acts of Assembly, relative to the public roads in
Worcester county, passed at December session, eighteen hundred
and twenty one, chapter one hundred and ten, certain commissioners
were empowered to lay out a half acre of land belonging
to the heirs of John Stevens, to be condemned for certain
purposes in said act mentioned, and to make a valuation of
said land, and to make a return of the estimated value of said
land, to the levy court of Worcester county; and whereas, the
owner or owners of said land believe themselves to be aggrieved
by the sid commissioners having made too small a valuation
of said land; Therefore,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
the owner or owners of said land, are hereby authorised to appeal
from that part of the return of the said commissioners,
which ascertains the value of said lot, as returned to, and received
by the levy court of said county; to the judges of Worcester
county court, who are hereby directed to receive and
hear said appeal, and to cause the questions of damage, and
Appeal provided.