CHAP. 141.
to the best of his skill and judgment, without favor,
partiality or prejudice.
Penalty for measuring,
Sec. 3. And be it enacted,
That when any person may want any
lumber measured and inspected, he shall deliver or cause to
be delivered, a written notice to the measurer and inspector
aforesaid, whose duty it shall be immediately thereafter to
measure and inspect the same; but that nothing herein contained
shall be construed or taken to compel any person or persons to
have his or their lumber measured and inspected, but that all
persons wishing it shall have it come by the measurer and inspector
appointed as aforesaid; and if any person shall measure
and inspect lumber in said village, or within half a mile
thereof, and receive pay therefor, without being appointed by
the Governor and Council aforesaid, and contrary to the true
intent and meaning of this act, such person so offending, shall
forfeit and pay twenty dollars for each and every offence, to
be recovered before a justice of the peace, one half for the
use of the state, and the other half to the use of the informer,
and the informer shall be a competent witness.
Dealing prohibited.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted,
That the inspector of lumber shall
neither himself, nor by deputy purchase any lumber, except
for his own use, nor sell any lumber whatsoever, on pain of
forfeiting his office.
Passed Feb. 23, 1830.
A further supplement to the act, entitled, an act for the better
regulation of Chancery proceedings, in certain
Cases in equity to
be tried.
Section 1. Be it enacted by
the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act, all and singular
the powers, authorities and jurisdictions which Somerset
County Court, as a Court of Equity, can exercise at the regular
terms of said County Court, may be exercised by either of
the associate judges of said Court who may attend, and when
he shall attend at the court house of said county, on the days
between the several sessions of said court, and appointed by
said court, agreeably to the provisions of the act of Assembly,
entitled, a further supplement to an act, entitled an act,
for the better regulation of Chancery proceedings in certain
cases, passed at December session, eighteen hundred and
twenty-eight, chapter twenty-seven, and that all and every
kind of process which may issue from said court on the equity
side thereof, may be made returnable to the said intermediate
terms, or on the intermediate days as aforesaid.
Clerk to attend.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted,
That it shall be the duty of the
clerk of said county to attend the said judge on the said days,
or intermediate terms, and to make due entry of all such