CHAP. 132.
Authority to examine
and direct.
Section 1. Be it [resolved]
by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Orphans Court of Caroline county, be, and
they are hereby authorised and empowered to make careful
examination of certain records in the Register of Wills' office
of said county, commonly called " Key to Administrations,
and Key to Guardianships," and if they or a majority of them
shall think that the public interest requires the transcribing of
said records in a new book or books, then they shall order
and direct the Register of Wills to procure sufficient book or
books, and therein accurately to transcribe the aforesaid records,
or such parts thereof as they may see proper and point
out, and allow to said Register a reasonable compensation and
expense for procuring said book or books, and transcribing
the same.
Levy and pay.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted,
That the Levy Court of said
county, be, and they are hereby authorised and directed to
levy on the assessable property of said county, such sum or
sums of money as the Orphans Court may allow to the said
Registers, for performing the duties required by this act, to
and for the use of the said Register of Wills, the same to be
collected and paid over as other county charges are.
Passed Feb. 24, 1830.
An act to provide for the building of two Fire Proof Offices in
Bel Air, Harford County, for the preservation of the Records
of said County.
Authority to contract.
Section 1. Be it enacted by
the General Assembly of Maryland,
That two fire proof offices shall be built adjoining the
Court House in Bel Air, one for the use of the Register of
Wills, and the other for the use of the Clerk of the County
Court, and that John Forward, Thomas A. Hays, John Street,
William Nelson, James Pannel, Charles S. Sewell and Samuel
Bradford, are hereby appointed Commissioners to build the
same, and the said Commissioners or a majority of them are
hereby authorised to contract with any person or persons for
the building of said offices, or either of them, upon such terms
as the said Commissioners may deem expedient, so that the
sum agreed to be paid, does not exceed the sum hereinafter
Sec. 2. And be it enacted,
That the Commissioners before
they make any contract as aforesaid, give notice for proposals
by publication in the newspapers printed in said county,
for three weeks; and any person entering into a contract as
aforesaid shall give bond with security to be approved by said
Commissioners, payable to the Commissioners of Harford