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require to be rebound or repaired only, then the clerk
of said
court shall contract with a person or persons well qualified to
rebind or repair such books, to attend at the court house in
said county, who shall proceed under the direction and superintendance
of said clerk to rebind and repair the same, the
expenses thereof shall be levied, collected and paid as aforesaid;
Provided nevertheless, that no part of the expenses for
repairing or transcribing said record books be paid by the
county, if the judges of Harford county court shall be of
opinion after examining said record books, that the clerk
of said court is required by his bond, given for the faithful
performance of his duty, to make the repairs required.
Passed Feb. 22, 1830.
An act to provide for the purchase of the office papers formerly
belonging to the Surveyor's office of Montgomery County.
Authority to examine
and value.
Section 1. Be it enacted by
the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Zadock Magruder, William McClannaghan, and
Thomas Gittings, of the county aforesaid or any two of them,
be, and they are hereby authorised and appointed, to inspect,
value, and purchase, the certificates of surveys, re-surveys,
and plats, made out and signed by Joseph Elgar and Lloyd
Adamson, the former county surveyors of said county, and
now in the possession of John Adamson, if they shall think it
expedient, and to allow the said John Adamson such compensation
as they shall deem just and reasonable.
Levy and pay.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted,
That the said commissioners
make a return of the amount of the purchase for the said office
papers aforesaid, to the Levy Court of Montgomery
county, who are hereby authorised to assess and levy, on the
assessable property of said county, a sum sufficient to cover
the expences aforesaid, and to be collected and paid as other
county charges.
Oath required.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted,
That the said commissioners, before
they shall act as such, shall take an oath before some justice
of the peace of the county, truly and faithfully, according
to the best of their judgment, to execute the duty hereby committed
to them; and shall return to the Levy Court of said
county with their proceedings, a certificate under their hands,
of their qualifications, according to the provisions of this act.
Deliver to county
Sec. 4. And be it enacted,
That when the said papers or
plats, are procured as aforesaid, they shall deliver the same to
the surveyor of the county, who shall file them in his office,
and from thenceforth be considered, as kept as public papers
by the present surveyor of Montgomery county, and [ ] successors.