An act to prevent playing Long Bullets, in Middletown in
Frederick county.
CHAP. 112.
Passed Feb. 22, 1830.
Section 1. Be it enacted by
the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act, any person
or persons, who shall be found playing at long bullets in any
of the public streets, lanes, alleys or roads in Middletown, in
Frederick county, shall forfeit and pay a sum of money not
exceeding five dollars, at the discretion of the Justice of the
Peace trying the same the one half to the informer, the other
half to the Trustees of the Public School in said town, for
the education of poor children, for the benefit of said school.
Penalty for playing.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted,
That all fines under the provisions
of this act, shall be recovered in the name of the State
of Maryland as other small debts out of court are; and it
shall be the duty of the officer collecting the same, to pay it
over to the persons entitled to receive the same, under the
provisions of this act.
Recovered and applied.
An further supplement to the act, entitled, an act, to incorporate
the Pennsylvania, Delaware and Maryland Steam Navigation
Passed Feb. 22, 1830.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
the Board of Directors of the Pennsylvania, Delaware and
Maryland Steam Navigation Company, may elect two directors
in addition to the seven lately elected by the stockholders,
to make up the number of nine directors, authorised by
an act of the present session; and the two selected by the
directors shall have the same power and right to act as if
elected by the stockholders, until the next annual election.
Two additional
A further supplement to the act, entitled an act, relating to the
city of Baltimore.
Passed Feb. 22, 1830.
Section 1. Be it enacted by
the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, be, and
they are hereby authorised to pass such ordinance or ordinances
for the purpose of altering or changing the grade of any street,
lane or alley in the city of Baltimore, as they may deem most
Authority granted.