shall extend the lines of the said Alley in the most
manner, and shall ascertain upon oath, to be administered by
one Magistrate, the damage which will be suffered by any
person or persons, and also the benefit which will accrue to
any person or persons, by reason of the said opening, extension,
and condemnation, and shall make a return of their proceedings,
under their hands and seals, to the Register of the
City of Baltimore.
CHAP. 78.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted,
That the amount of benefits so
ascertained, by the finding of the Commissioners above named,
or by the finding of a Jury, on appeal as hereinafter
provided, shall be a charge (upon the property respectively
benefited) in the hands of the said Mayor and City Council,
and may be collected by them in the same manner, and by the
same process, by which taxes upon landed property in the
said City are now collected by term.
Benefits assessed
to be collected.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted,
That previously to proceeding
to open, extend, and condemn, the said Alley, the said Mayor
and City Council shall pay, or cause to be paid, to any and
[ ] person or persons, the amount of damages (ascertained
by the finding of the said Commissioners, or a Jury, on appeal
as hereinafter provided) to be suffered by them, by reason
of the said extension, opening and condemnation; Provided
always, That it shall and may be lawful to any person or
persons, who may conceive him, her, or themselves, injured
by the report of the said Commissioners, of the filing of
which in the Registers office, due notice shall be given in one
newspaper of the said City, to appeal to Baltimore county
Court, at any time within thirty days after such notice, and
have the benefit of a trial by Jury, upon an issue or issues
framed by the order of the said Court, to meet the circumstances
of each respective case; and provided also, that the
costs of such appeal shall, if the judgment of the Commissioners
be reversed in any case, be paid by the Mayor and
City Council of Baltimore.
Damages to be
paid—appeal provided.
An act to alter the time of holding the Spring Term of Worcester
County Court.
Passed Feb. 15, 1830.
Section 1. Be it enacted by
the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act, the county
court of Worcester county, shall be held on the first Monday
of May, and the second Monday of November, in each and
every year thereafter, and that all causes, pleas, process and
proceedings, civil and criminal, now depending in the said
county court, or hereafter to be issued therefrom, which are
Time of meeting